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NIFT+NID+Other PG Design

  /  NIFT+NID+Other PG Design
Course Content

Writing an entrance exam for a design school of your choice requires you to be ready in three main aspects: creativity, excellent drawing skills and the capacity to apply logic and reasoning in your field. This course prepares you to excel in and grasp all of these aspects enabling you to stay confident and on top of things when it comes to cracking design school entrance exams.

THE CREATIVE ASPECT: This course will teach you the basic techniques needed to hone your creativity -the key to understanding how to generate ideas. Through this, you will be able to tackle all kinds of situations, solve all kinds of problems and masterfully handle all kinds of themes thrown at you during the entrance exams.

  • Introduction to design-Design books are available aplenty with tons of different definitions of design for laymen! But, none of them can show or teach you the practical applications of design concepts. To learn the true definition and meaning of design, one needs to experience the subject by indulging in myriad activities rather than simply relying on textbook teaching. This is what we at Trendz attempt to do. This course will impart in-depth knowledge of design not only through a strong resource system, but also through experiential learning supported by well laid out assignments and examples.
  • Out-of-the-box thinking-Creativity largely depends on thinking on your feet and with your heart. This component mainly focuses on and moulds your ability to generate an exciting motley of ideas and to be able to express those ideas on paper.
  • Brainstorming- Unlike the term that might have you conjuring up frightful images, brainstorming is nothing but a simple problem solving technique. It is through this that you will learn how to solve specific problems by spontaneously jotting down all impulsive ideas, thoughts or anything else that comes to mind related to the problem. It teaches you to gather relevant information and pushes you to stimulate creative thinking. Practicing this will require you to pick up any random object, think about it and then allow your mind to be flooded with words, feelings, images, colors, people, or any other thing that you might feel is connected to it.
  • Mind mapping- Another tool to get your creative juices flowing is mind mapping. It is the process of connecting or relating a string of words to create a huge series of relationship chains. The aim of this exercise should not be to achieve any particular objective or to think how a chain will end, but rather, to allow your mind to shed its inhibitions and think freely by relating as many words as you can.
  • The best idea-Although brainstorming and mind mapping result in a large number of interesting ideas, they often lead to the dilemma of choosing the best idea. While there might be situations when you must exhibit the mental flexibility of presenting several ideas, there are some specific situations where you will be required to pick only one idea. This aspect of the course will help you answer the all-important question that you will then be confronted with: ‘which is the best idea?
  • Elements of design- Certain tools and methods in design creativity will be discussed, such as point, line, shape, space and texture.
  • Principles of design- The principles of design are the recipe for a good work of art. They direct the proper combination of the elements to create an aesthetic placement of objects or aspects that are mandatory in the production of a good design. These principles are the concepts that are used to organise or arrange the structural elements of design. The manner in which these principles are applied affects the expressive content or the message that the work is trying to convey. Elements of design may be called the ‘tangible aspects’ of a composition whereas the principles are intangible. These aspects, if missing, can be easily detected, but otherwise are not distinctly visible.
  • Color theory-If one were to ask, “what color does a Christian bride wear?” you would readily reply, “white”. On the other hand if you were asked to name the color of mourning in Hindu rituals, you would say white again! Similarly, while red signifies danger in most Western cultures, it is a symbol of tradition and prosperity in India. These examples are meant to remind you that colors are all important in visuals for the strong intuitive meanings they generate!
  • Understanding of material and weight- Each material has a characteristic appearance. An understanding of material and weight will allow you to be sensitive to the materials that different objects are made of and make an effort to garner more knowledge of these materials and their properties.
  • Picture and word interpretation- The creative aspect of this course will groom you to successfully tackle the second part of a design school entrance examination that typically focuses on your skills of conceptualization and identification. Incidentally, the first part of this test expects you to accord titles, themes and captions to images from a given list of words.
  • Completing the picture- You will also need to get your creative juices flowing to meet the challenges of ‘completing a picture’ provided to the student during an entrance exam. This course will also increase your ability to muster the required creative skills for this.
  • Interpreting illustration- Various hypothetical situations and scenarios will be described during an entrance exam as part of creativity testing. It will be the job of the student to create an illustration on and of such situations.
  • Stylization- This is a category of the creative aspect of the course that teaches you to enhance a product by styling its features.
  • Redesigning a product- To redesign a product, one must have strong problem solving skills. Our course, therefore, will take a problem-solving approach towards this matter.
  • Creative writing- Creative writing, put simply, is all about applying creativity,  humour and wit to your words as you string them together in writing in order to have an entertaining effect on the reader. This is the latest addition in our efforts to prepare you the best we can for certain design schools such as NID where creative writing is an integral part of the entrance exam.
  • Inspirational work- Various books containing inspirational visuals are shared by us during the course. You will be able to view them and learn from them so as to be able to use their messages as and when you need to in the field of your choice.
  • These categories are just the tip of the iceberg in the creative aspect training and you will be learning a whole lot more than this during a course at Trendz Academy.

DRAWING-Just like you would need to use a clutch when driving a car, there are basic principles that must be employed when drawing. Only, they’re not so obvious, making them easy to overlook. We quote from the story ‘Little Prince’ when we say, “ What is essential is invisible to the eye”. This is the space that we at Trendz are trying explore in our courses and this is the concept that we also hold in the highest regard in our training. It is through this concept that your drawing training will begin as we progress towards creating a solid foundation in drawing for you. Consequently, the application of invisible elements to object drawing will be taught after which you will be taken on a magical journey of acquiring talent and creating pieces of art.

  • Lines-When we sketch, paint or draw, we do it through our strokes and lines are the elementary requirement for it. Control over your strokes will ensure that your drawings start looking more like what you have imagined. This is something you can achieve solely through repeated practice.
  • Shapes-Shape in a design refers to the spaces that result from the intersecting and enclosing of the lines. Shapes are considered to be of two types: natural and man-made. Natural shapes are those that have counterparts in nature such as leaves, rocks, plants, trees etc. Man-made shapes are considered geometric and are expressed in buildings as one example.
  • Objects-An object can be a conversion of shapes and lines. For example, identifying the skeleton of an object, sketching it out and then filling in the detailing of elements to convert the skeleton into a complete object is one of the aspects that your training in drawing will entail.
  • Detailed object study-This includes some practice exercises which have been created specifically for drawing practice by a team of NID alumni.
  • Shading- This element is responsible for breathing life and lending depth to a particular drawing.
  • Human Drawing- This aspect in drawing will allow you to give your fingers a chance to appreciate and recreate one of God’s most precious creations- the human being…at least on paper! Better understanding of proportions, movements and nuances of the human form has always been an important area of study for modern civilizations and this is why artists have always made it their central focus.
  • Compositions-A composition is the organization or grouping of different parts of a work of art so as to achieve a unified whole.
  • Perspective-The technique that an artist uses to depict a three-dimensional space on a flat surface is called perspective. This is based on the way the human eye sees the world. This technique will be fine-tuned within your range of expertise during the drawing training at Trendz.
  • Proportion-Proportion is the most basic element that takes precedence when we draw, particularly when drawing a human image. It is also common knowledge that proportion defines almost everything in drawing…a leg too short or eyes too big can completely destroy a good piece of drawing! 
  • Trendz Academy’s drawing training has an expansive list of many more topics that will be taught to our discerning students.


  • Comprehension passage
  • Grammar
  • Word power (booklet)


  • Number system
  • Simple & compound interest
  • Speed, time & distance
  • Mensuration
  • And many more…


  • Number analogy
  • Series completion
  • Blood relations
  • Data sufficiency
  • And many more…


  • Books & author
  • Fashion
  • Indian history, geography, economics
  • Art & culture
  • Current affairs
  • And many more…

Course Fee-
Classroom Program– Rs. 55,000/-
Winter Crash Course – Rs. 20,000/-
Crash Course (1 Month) – Rs. 10,000/-
Postal Program– Rs. 5,000/-
Online Program (ebooks & test)– Rs. 3000/-
Online Program (Video tutorials ebooks & test) – Rs. 15000/-

Online Mock Test Series – Rs. 1000/-

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