Course content-
This course for the basics of creative ability, is the key to understand what is the way to generate the ideas which are required to solve the kind of situations and themes that are given to you in the entrance exams.
- Introduction to design-If you go through any books on design, there are a number of definitions that you will find on design. But the problem with these definitions is that they do not practically explain the concept and do not provide a layman definition of design. Our experience on the subject is that designing is more of an experience than a teaching. What we will try to do in this course is to impart the design knowledge from our experiences, supported by well laid down assignments and examples.
- Out of box thinking-it majorly focuses on two parts, ability to generate a different idea and ability to express your idea on paper.
- Brain storming-‘What is Brainstorming?’, you might ask. Brainstorming is a simple technique to solve specific problems by gathering information and stimulating creative thinking by spontaneously jotting down all impulsive ideas and thoughts related to the problem. Just think of anything which comes to your mind when you think of the object given to you. You may think of any words, feelings, images, colors, person, or any other thing which comes to your mind.
- Mind mapping- Another tool to help you think differently is Mind-Mapping. It is the process of relating words with one another to create a large number of relationship chains. Your aim in this exercise should not be to achieve either but to allow your mind to shed its inhibitions. Do not think how a chain will end because the objective is to think freely and relate as many words as you can.
- The best idea-While Brainstorming and Mind-Mapping result in a large number of interesting ideas they often lead to the dilemma of choosing the best idea. While there are situations when you must exhibit the flexibility of your mind by presenting a large number of ideas; ample of times, it will be required to pick only one idea. The question then is – ‘Which is the best Idea?’
- Elements of design-some tools and methods are to be discussed here as point, line, shape, space, texture.
- Principle of design- They are the recipe for a good work of art. The principles combine the elements to create an aesthetic placement of things that will produce a good design. They are concepts used to organize or arrange the structural elements of design. The way in which these principles are applied affects the expressive content, or the message of the work. Elements of design may be called the tangible aspects of a composition whereas the principles are intangible. The aspects, if missing can be easily detected but otherwise are not distinctly visible.
- Color theory-If one were to ask what color a Christian bride wears, you would readily reply white. On the other hand if you were asked to name the color of mourning in Hindu rituals, you would say white again. Similarly, while red signifies danger in most Western cultures, it is a symbol of tradition and prosperity in India. The examples above are meant to remind you of the importance of colors in visuals and the strong intuitive meanings they generate.
- Understanding of material and weight- each material has a characteristic appearance. Be sensitive to the materials that different objects are made of and make an effort to find out more of these materials and their properties.
- Picture and word interpretation- The second part of the examination focuses on your skill of conceptualization and their identification. The first part of this test expects you to give titles/themes/captions to images from a given list of words.
- Completing the picture-completing the picture required necessary creative skills.
- Interpreting illustration- Illustration on situations.
- Stylization- Enhance a product through styling its features.
- Redesigning product- there has been a problem solving approach to this matter.
- Creative writing- This is the latest addition in our efforts to prepare you the best for NID as it is nothing else but being creative, funny and witty.
- Inspirational work- learns from inspirational visuals from various books.
- And many more topics…
DRAWING- Just like using the clutch, there are basic principles to drawing. Only they’re not so obvious, which is why they are so often overlooked. Here I will quote Little Prince
“ What is essential is invisible to the eye”
This is what we at Trendz are trying to work at with this book.
Through this first book on drawing we will work on creating a solid foundation for you & then move on to applying the invisible elements to object drawing & taking you through the journey of acquiring talent & creating pieces of art.
- Lines- When we sketch, paint or draw. We do it through our strokes & lines are elementary requirement for it. Control over the strokes will ensure that your drawings start looking like what you want & you can achieve it only through practice.
- Shapes-Shape in a design suggests the spaces that result from intersecting & enclosing of lines. Shapes can be of 2 types – natural & man-made
Natural shapes are those that have counterparts in nature such as leaf, rock, plats, tree, etc
Man-made shapes are considered geometric & are expressed in buildings, etc. - Objects-An object can be a conversion of shapes and lines. For example identifying the skeleton of the object, sketching it out & then filling in the detail elements to convert the skeleton into a complete object.
- Shading- This element gives life & depth to a particular drawing.
- Human Drawing- Let’s gives our fingers a chance to appreciate God’s best creation- Human. Better understanding of proportions, movements & nuances of the human form has always been an important area of study for the modern civilizations that is why artists have always made it their central focus.
- Compositions- A composition is the organization or grouping of the different parts of a work of art so as to achieve a unified whole.
- Perspective-The technique that an artist uses to depict a three-dimensional space on a flat surface is perspective. perspective is based on the way the human eye sees the world.
- Proportion- Proportion is the basic element presiding when we are drawing & especially when we are doing human drawing. We all know Proportion defines almost everything in a drawing. A leg too short or eyes too big can completely destroy a good piece of drawing.
- And many more topics…
- Grammar
- Word power (booklet)
- Number system
- Simple & compound interest
- Speed, time & distance
- Mensuration
- And many more…
- Number analogy
- Series completion
- Dot situation
- Mirror images
- And many more…
- Famous buildings
- Architects and their works
- Building materials
- Architectural terminology
- History of world architecture
- History of Indian architecture
- And many more…
- Books & author
- Fashion
- Indian history, geography, economics
- Art & culture
- Current affairs
- And many more…
Course Fee-
Classroom Program– Rs. 35,000/-
Winter Crash Course (3 Month) – Rs. 25,000/-
Crash Course (1 Month) – Rs. 10,000/-
Postal Program– Rs. 5,000/-
Online Program– Rs. 3000/-
Online Mock Test Series (10 papers with feedback) – Rs. 500/-
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